How to wash your Gi
The Gi is the uniform worn for the practice of martial arts such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ Gi), Karate (Karategi), Taekwondo (Dobok), Judo (Judogi). To make your uniform last as long as possible, you should follow some simple steps. In this article you will find everything you need to know to take the best care of your kimono.
You can wash the gi?
Let us immediately reassure those who ask this question: the gi can not only be washed, but it must be washed.
When to wash the gi?
After your workout, your Gi is damp and sweaty: store it in your gym bag (preferably one with mesh inserts that allow more ventilation) and as soon as possible take it out and let it dry, if you don't have the chance to wash it right away. Ideally, you should wash your gi as soon as possible, such as as soon as you get home.
How often to wash the gi?
You should wash your gi every time you wear it for a workout or match. It would be important to wash it right away or the next day at the latest, and never leave it locked in your gym bag for days on end to stagnate. The general advice is to wash it once a week, but it depends on how often you train.
Does the gi shrink with washing?
A 100 percent cotton gi has a tendency to shrink more than a blended one (and this is something to always consider when choosing a gi size). So pay attention to the temperature. Also, pre-washed gi have a lower shrinkage rate.
Can the gi be washed in hot water? Or in cold water?
We recommend that you always wash your kimono in cold water and/or at a maximum temperature of between 30 and 40 degrees.This will safeguard it from shrinkage and protect the color. Another caution is to keep the centrifuge at a low speed (800 is fine), to prevent too many creases from forming.
How to wash it the first time? What about the subsequent times?
The first few times wash it separately (it may stain other garments, in case it is a colored gi), either by hand or in the washing machine in cold water (30 degrees is fine). To safeguard the prints and patches on your uniform, it is a good idea to turn over both the Trousers and the jacket. Do not wash it together with the belt.
What detergent to use to wash the gi?
As for detergent, ideally, use a liquid or powder detergent suitable for washing at low temperatures.
Can I use bleach?
No, we do not recommend that you use bleach to wash your gi because it would damage the fabric. If you avoid leaving your sweaty gi in the bag, let it air out when necessary, and wash it properly, you will not need to use bleach because it will not show yellowing.
Can the gi be put in the dryer?
No, don't put it in the dryer: your gi would shrink and the fabric would be ruined. (That said, should you wish to shrink it a bit, you know you can resort to this trick, but it is best not to abuse it.)
To avoid the risk of finding yourself with a wet gi at the last moment and not having time to dry it, arrange to wash it on time. Alternatively, it is best to have two or more gi, so that you can alternate between them and always have a clean, dry kimono available.
Can it be ironed?
Actually if you lay the gi respecting its folds. you won't need to iron it. Ideally, hang it on a hanger and let it dry-this way you will avoid creases. (Remember not to hang the gi out in full sun: the whites will yellow and the dyes will fade.) If you really want to iron it, don't select high temperatures and don't iron the outside: better to turn it inside out and iron the inner part being very careful.
Can the belt be washed?
Yes, it can be washed and it is important to do so. separately from your Gi, so you don't risk one or the other losing color. Wash it by hand in cold water and you will see that the belt will not shrink or lose color. There are some old urban legends that claim that washing it will lose experience. Actually, it is important to wash it out of respect for discipline, which requires you to be neat and clean in practice, and out of respect for your fellow students-who would want to touch a dirty, unwashed belt?