IJF approved products

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Judogi Adidas J730 Champion IJF gold stripes
€ 164,00 € 166,00
Judogi Adidas J730 Champion II IJF Slimfit con strisce Out of stock
Judogi Adidas J730 Champion II IJF Slimfit con strisce
Judogi Adidas J730 Champion II IJF Slimfit con strisce
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Judogi Adidas J730 Champion II IJF Slimfit with Stripes
€ 63,90 € 140,00

Characteristics of the products approved by IJF (International Judo Federation)

The International Judo Federation (IJF) is the governing body of judo worldwide and sets standards for equipment used in international competitions and official events. To ensure a safe, fair and consistent practice, the IJF sets strict guidelines that manufacturers and athletes must comply with. Below, we see the main types of IJF approved products and their distinctive features.

1. Judogi IJF

The judogi is the most important element of the clothing of every judoka. Being a discipline that involves taking and projecting, the kimono must have certain characteristics of resistance, fit and color. The main ones are::

  • Weight and grammage of the fabric
    IJF approved judogi are typically made of cotton or cotton/polyester blend with a grammage that guarantees strength and durability. The thickness of the fabric must allow an effective grip by the opponent, but without excessively favoring the "tear" or being too "soft".
  • Colour
    Only white and blue for the official IJF competitions. The blue must be of a specific shade (defined as "IJF Blue"), so that the two athletes on the tatami can be clearly distinguished.
  • Fit and size
    The judogi jacket must cover the body sufficiently, reaching at least half of the thigh. The sleeves should reach the wrist when the arms are stretched forward and there should be a sufficient space (about 5-8 cm) between the wrist and cuff. I Trousers must cover at least the ankle and allow freedom of movement. The judogi should not be too wide or too narrow: Regulations stipulate that, during the control phase, 4 fingers may pass between the chest and jacket at belt height.
  • Label "IJF Approved"
    Judogi produced by brands recognized by the IJF are marked with a red label with the words "IJF Approved". This ensures that the product meets official requirements.

2. IJF belts

The belt (obi) is another essential element of the judo suit. It is used to indicate the rank of the practitioner and ensure that the jacket remains securely closed during the meeting. The belts approved by the IJF are distinguished by:

  • Material and strength
    Generally made of durable cotton, sometimes with a mix of synthetic materials to improve durability. They must maintain sufficient rigidity to not easily untie and ensure that the judogi remains firm.
  • Length
    The length of the belt must be appropriate to the athlete’s build: Once tied, the ends should fall a certain number of centimeters along the sides (usually between 20 and 30 cm per side).
  • Colour and grades
    For IJF competitions, the athlete wears the belt of his rank (from white to black, or higher if holding advanced dan). Some IJF Approved black belts have the traditional "tag" or "badge" attesting to their compliance with international rules.
  • Label "IJF Approved"
    The approved belts also bear the "IJF Approved" or "IJF Official" mark, which guarantees compliance with the quality and size requirements.

3. Other equipment (accessories) recognized by the IJF

Although the main focus is judogi and belts, there are other equipment that can get IJF approval, especially for high-level official events.

  • Knee pads, Elbow pads o Ear protectors (headguards): Must be approved by the IJF physician or delegate if required for safety or health reasons. There is no actual "IJF Approved" standard for these items, but they must be in line with safety standards and not offer an unfair advantage.
  • Zori (Slippers): Often used by athletes on the edge of the tatami for hygienic reasons, there is no specific IJF approval. The important thing is that they are practical, clean and do not pose a danger to anyone.